We have purchased a new building for our offices about 1/4 mile south of our current location which will give us room to expand. The new office, located at 74 South Broad St., Meriden, CT. is 7000 sq. ft. and has a state-of-the-art Conference Center and a Senior Resouce Center. The Senior Resource Center will be open to the public and the Conference Center will be available to support groups and meetings that deal with topics related to health and senior care. If anyone has materials they would like to post in our Senior Resource Center please contact us either through our website, or facebook or just give us a call (203)634-8668. We are very excited about the move because it will give Assisted Living Services, Inc. more room to expand and an opportunity to better serve our clients. Additionally, it will provide more room for our new sister company Assisted Living Technologies, Inc. which utilizes technologically advanced products to help seniors stay independant in their homes or community based settings. Our expected date of our move will be February 25, 20ll.

Tips For Returning To Work After COVID-19
As states begin to open and quarantine orders are changing, it’s time to start to think about what life will look like as we return to work. The shift in routines, or the recent lack of for some, can have an impact on your physical and mental health. We’ve put together a few tips to try and help you and your family start to adjust to new routines. Print, save and share this infographic or use our form below to