Assisted Living Services, Inc. is proud to announce its new Animal Assisted Therapy Visit Program. The Program is offered at no charge to our home care clients’ who give consent for a visit from Sharon D’Aquila or Ron D’Aquila, RN and their Therapy Dog “Sonny.”
Sonny is a beautiful AKC Registered Golden Retriever who has completed extensive training and obedience courses as well as the Registered Therapy Animal Training Program through Pet Partners (formerly known as Delta Society).
Sharon and Ron are the owners of Assisted Living Services, Inc. and have worked closely with Sonny to become his Registered Therapy Animal Handlers’.
Animal Assisted Therapy Visits can provide positive physical, emotional, and psychological benefits in the elderly, such as:
- Lowering blood pressure and heart rate
- Reducing stress and anxiety
- Improving mood, depression, and loneliness
- Increasing social interaction
- Increasing appetite and adherence to medical regimen
According to Sharon D’Aquila, President / Co-Owner, “Sonny has brought such happiness into our lives and we want to share the joy he brings to us with our home care clients.” Some of the activities done during home visits with Sonny include going for a short walk together, giving Sonny treats (for tricks of course!) and petting or brushing Sonny. It also gives Sharon and Ron an invaluable opportunity to meet with and get to know their clients even better.
Sonny will be bathed and well groomed prior to each visit, has complete veterinary records/immunizations, and is fully insured. We encourage that for infection control purposes, everyone touching Sonny will use hand sanitizer prior to and upon completion of the visit. Unfortunately, we are not be able to visit if other animals are in the home.
Animal Assisted Therapy Visits are common in Nursing Homes, Hospitals, and Rehabilitation Facilities but not widely done in home care. Assisted Living Services, Inc. is one of the only home care agencies in Connecticut to offer such a program.
To request a visit, please contact Sharon or Ron at 203-634-8668