Assisted Living Services, Inc. solely provides nonmedical care

Home Care in Connecticut and the “Money Follows the Person” Initiative

Ron D'aquila Head ShotJust last week there was good news out of Hartford when Governor Malloy announced that he plans for certain cost-saving measures for state health care programs for Connecticut residents. One of the most positive changes will be a major expansion in the “Money Follows the Person” program for seniors and adults with disabilities that wish to receive care in a home setting vs. institutional setting such as a Skilled Nursing Facility. We see the request and desire from our clients daily – that they be able to live in the homes they love, most being in their homes an average of 40 years or longer. What the program is designed to do is allow for some of the moneys’ currently administered under the Medicaid program be spent on patient care services in home or community based settings.

Seemingly, this program is geared towards transitioning seniors living in Skilled Nursing Facilities back to home or community based settings. In fact, the governor identifies a goal of transitioning over 2,200 nursing home residents to the community by the end of fiscal year 2013, and expand the initiative to 5,200 placements through 2016. However, my hope is that policymakers see that it is just as important – if not more important to consider the reverse in this cycle, which is to provide financial support to keep seniors and adults with disabilities at home with the proper support services and care to begin with.

What do you think?

2 Responses

  1. This program is also helping my son who was paralyzed a year ago and in a nursing home looking to transition into the community. The one complaint I have is there isnt enough quality places for him to go to and his social worker stopped looking hes on a wating list at one place . He and my husband did there part by interviewing care givers now we need to tell these people when and where they can be hired. My son is frustated and so are we it just takes to long to find a handicap accessible apartment, got any suggestions ??

    1. Sue most of the community-based settings we deal with are for seniors but I will pass along your information to Lynnes Schmidt who does our marketing and is all over the state to see if she can recommend someplace. You are doing the right thing by reaching out – you cannot do it alone and others should be more than happy to help, you can also reach out to health departments and VNA’s in various communities.

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