Assisted Living Services, Inc. solely provides nonmedical care

Meriden “Carrier Alert Program” Begins August 3rd

Carrier Alert CtBeginning August 3rd, Meriden residents who register can participate in the Carrier Alert Program – a free service developed the U.S. Postal Service designed to help older adults and the homebound – people who may have difficulty reaching vital services because of an illness or accident.

If you’re worried about someone who lives alone at home, this program offers some peace of mind.

Here’s How the Program Works:

  1. Interested postal patrons register to participate in the program. Your local postmaster can give you more details on registration, or you can call us anytime at 203.634.8668 for more information.
  2. Your letter carrier will be authorized to place a Carrier Alert symbol in your mailbox which will alert all letter carriers to watch your mail for any signs of distress, such as an unusual accumulation.
  3. If your letter carrier finds an accumulation of mail, and you have not covered the Carrier Alertsticker to signal that you will be away for a few days, he or she will notify Assisted Living Service, Inc. or report your name to the postal supervisor, who will report it to the Assisted Living Services, Inc.
  4. We will then try to contact you by phone. If you cannot be reached, we will try to contact a friend or relative whom you have listed as a contact in the event of an emergency.
  5. If a friend or relative cannot be reached, we will contact the local Police Department who will dispatch an officer to check on your well-being.

Want to Learn More? Contact Us, Download the Brochure, or Give Us a Call at 203.634.8668. 

Ready to Register? Download the Form Here.

2 Responses

  1. To Whom it may concern,
    Last week I met with two of your employees from the technology department Mario D’Aquila and John-Paul Mayhew they gave me a very informative presentation on some of your products, including Medminder and Cook Stop. I wanted to pass along information about my program for any of your clients who might benefit.
    The information is pasted below,
    Thank you for your time,
    Jennifer Lortie
    Eastern Connecticut Assistive Technology Center
    A Connecticut Tech Project Partner
    Located at
    The Windham Regional Community Council, Inc.
    872 Main Street Willimantic, CT
    The Eastern CT Assistive Technology Center is an AT Demonstration Center that
    contains a computer access station, equipment for persons who are blind or have
    low vision, hearing impairments, learning disabilities to reduce barriers in the
    workplace. For a demonstration of a variety of AT devices to help you decide if an
    AT device if an AT device is right for you, please feel free to stop by, or if you wish
    to schedule an appointment, call:
    860-423-4534 ext. 319
    We are open Monday-Tuesday, and Thursday– Friday from 10-2.
    Assistive Technology (AT) is any item or piece of equipment that
    is used to increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities
    of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of life, including at
    school, at work, at home and in the community.

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