Medication mistakes are a common reason people are forced to visit the emergency department of a local hospital. Sometimes it is because they forgot to take a medication, and other times it is because they accidentally took one twice. For family members, supporting the medication management needs of a loved one living with a disability can be time-consuming and stressful.
It might involve multiple reminder phone calls each day to encourage them to take their medicine and then worrying about whether or not they did so. Some caregivers find themselves making numerous visits to their loved one’s home each day to oversee the process. The good news is that there are a variety of technologies that can help. They range from simple pill box style systems to those that work off of cellular technologies.

High Tech Solutions for Managing Medications
The MedMinder Maya and MedMinder Jon are two innovative medication management systems that make it easier for seniors to comply with the medication schedule. Both products offer adult children and caregivers peace of mind.
Here’s how they work:
- Each system works off of wireless technology that automatically updates the user’s activity to a central computer. The user or their caregiver can easily customize the pill dispenser schedule remotely online. A hard line phone is not required for either of these systems.
- When it is time for the user to take a particular medication, the compartment flashes. If the medicine isn’t taken within an appropriate amount of time, an auditory alert is sounded. If the medication cup still isn’t removed, the user and caregivers can receive automatic notification by phone, text or email.
- Both systems can be manually refilled or can accept pre-filled trays from the pharmacy.
- The MedMinder Jon system offers the added peace of mind of being a locked system. When it is time for a medication to be dispensed, only that cup is unlocked. That reduces the chances of a senior taking the wrong medicine.
To purchase the MedMinder, visit Assisted Living Technologies >>